8 Questions With……actress Jamie Ohlsen
Its 2:47 pm
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Two things struck me about our next guest,actress Jamie Ohlsen,one ….she looks like a complete badass that you want to share a foxhole with in a fight. Anyone that would think about messing with her should think twice,no..make that three times before making that step.
Two,she has a lovely smile and really beautiful eyes. And why would any director try and hide that smile should be dragged out back and meet the cheetah up close and personal. Yeah,Jamie has that kind of smile…
But she is also fearless as well…because at a age when most performers have established a career already,Jamie decided to START hers and how it happened is one of those kind of starts you only can get in Hollywood. Now she has been cast in a series on Amazon Prime,rubbing elbows with a huge favorite of indie actors,Robert LoSardo and is looking to create her first feature film. Rumor has it that not only will be cheetahs in it but Jamie is going to show off her wonderful smile. While killing bad guys of course….
One can’t but admire Jamie for working very hard on her young career and getting the place where she is at now.
I am so happy Jamie agreed to do our series and answer the 8 Questions we sent her…..enjoy!
You can read the rest of this interview by going here…..