Have Cheetah,Will View #1— “Jurassic City”(2015)
I have had a Medium account for a while but really haven’t used it very much-until now. I decided I would start sharing some of my reviews/interviews that have run on my blog called “The Inner Circle”. I like to think my writing style from four years ago has evolved since I started but who really knows,right?
This was my first film review that I posted on my blog…..if I get a decent response,I will drop some original content on here as well.
The cheetah and I had the pleasure of watching a fun creature called “Jurassic City” this past week.
The plot starts off showing a secret US Government department at night. Inside,a experiment has gone awry as dangerous raptors have gotten loose.
While the first guard becomes a dino snack,the main troubleshooter of the security team,Captain Talbot,shows up and kills the raptor.
He then is asked to transport several raptors to a underground section of a prison whose warden owes a favor to the agent in charge of the covert department.
You can read the rest of the review by heading on over here!